
Group project for CSC 462 at UVic

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Group project for CSC 462, distributed computing course at UVic


The Arbutus Mosaic Processing System

  • Initial tiling of input files is sequential

  • Processing of tiles NDVI/NDSI is done in parallel

  • Since I didn't set up a distributed file system and shared managed drives that can have more than 2 simultaneous connections are large and expensive I used base64 encoding and decoding to store images inside gRPC messages

  • Can run on Azure free Ubuntu VMs but takes over 35 minutes to complete with 1 master, 2 workers and 2 input Sentinel-2 files to calculate NDVI/NDSI

  • Currently, processing occurs on Arbutus inside Docker containers with 1 master and 2 works but can scale up

  • Query coordinates for two corners from EarthDaily mosaic, downloads the 32-bit image then processed NDVI and returns a processed 8-bit PNG

The Client Local Web App

  • Flask Web Application that can take in and generate local data
  • Can display data as overlay on Leaflet map
  • Can upload and retrieve data from centralized Azure PostgreSQL database
  • Send requests for mosaic processing to central Azure database

The Azure PostgreSQL Database

  • Data share for all clients
  • Accepts requests and responses from the creation of new mosaics

Running the System

The Arbutus Mosaic Processing System
  • To run with docker:

    • Copy the arbutus_processing/ folder on Arbutus

    • In the master/connection.py file add API keys for:

      • Azure Data Lake API key
      • Data Lake folder path
      • Connection string for Azure PostgreSQL Database
      • API key for accessing the Earth Daily mosaics
    • Make sure the make sure you have Docker installed, and the service is running

    • From the main directory with docker-compose.yml

      docker-compose up -d

    • View active docker containers that are running

      docker ps and with -a flag for stopped containers

    • When running in Docker, files are output to a shared volume located in the /Output/output_merged sub-directory from the main directory

  • To run without Docker:

    • Install Python3 and all the modules in master/requirements.txt and worker/requirements.txt files for whichever system is running the master and worker systems
    • Run master from master/master.py then start desired number of workers from worker/worker.py
    • When running locally files are saved into master/Output/output_merged directory
The Local Flask Web App
  • Setup a PostgreSQL database locally and run the localdb.sql file to create the database table
  • Install Python3 and the modules from requirements.txt, the main requirements are flask, psycopg2 and azure-storage-file-datalake
  • In the connection.py file add:
    • Azure Data Lake API Key
    • Data Lake folder path
    • Connection string for local PostgreSQl database
    • Connection string for Azure PostgreSQL database
The Azure PostgreSQL Server
  • Through the Azure portal, pgAdmin or your platform of choice run the utils/azure_psql.sql file to set up the database


  • IP address can be changed from localhost to run on servers, I used internal 10.X.X.X IP addresses and all my machines were on the same Azure VNet

  • worker.py is designed to run continuously requesting tasks, master.py waits until it is ready to assign and send tasks to the worker

  • Recovering from failures and stalled or stuck workers needs to be improved

  • Protocol Buffers are compiled with:

    python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. dist_processing.proto