ALL THE THINGS - Addon for Tracking Collections & Account Completion in World of Warcraft
- 5
Zone not Counting as Explored
#1825 opened by denys-taranenko - 5
To Current Matters Quest
#1844 opened by pimcha17 - 2
Lil' Ragnaros for Cataclysm Classic
#1851 opened by Adal4 - 3
Do you want bugs reported from Alpha Channel users?
#1853 opened by Gogo1951 - 1
The different bags from 20th anniversary but offering the same loots count the same items several times
#1852 opened by Porkepix - 2
ATT Quest completed [Unknown (614) (Not in ATT 4.1.6)]
#1842 opened by Gogo1951 - 3
ATT Quest completed [Unknown (81570) (Not in ATT 4.1.6)]
#1846 opened by Gogo1951 - 2
Error at login
#1850 opened by AemoSucks - 2
Flightpaths undiscovered
#1823 opened by Fellean - 3
bug catergories
#1840 opened by Addonman - 8
- 1
The Missing lynx showing double.
#1845 opened by Joethetoe81 - 3
Error: [Stack Trace #1]
#1847 opened by Gogo1951 - 1
Quest completed [Unknown (81570) (Not in ATT 4.0.16)]
#1810 opened by Gogo1951 - 2
NPC 12245 sells more patterns than are listed.
#1839 opened by Gogo1951 - 1
- 4
- 0
Timely Goodie Bag not listed
#1834 opened by haochengyu2447 - 7
ATT Battle For Azeroth "Wide World of Quests" bug
#1782 opened by Markuz1965 - 14
Utilization spike/hiccup after every loot event
#1792 opened by Gaviin1242 - 1
[Feature Request] Passing waypoint descriptions
#1813 opened by voodoochild - 1
- 6
[Cataclysm] AllTheThings/src/Classes/Item.Classic.lua:70: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got number)
#1833 opened by ThaDanus - 3
Error Lua with 4.1.4 fr_FR
#1831 opened by Machou - 1
WoW's Anniversary world bosses showing all armor types in class specific Completionist Mode
#1830 opened by Sykorajakku - 10
Can anything be done to preserve Classic Era data?
#1824 opened by Gogo1951 - 0
Classic: Item "Captain Sander's Shirt" not getting properly added to collection
#1827 opened by Roardo1 - 6
- 1
- 1
Action Bar 6
#1818 opened by Fushae - 7
Spams 'added to collection' on login but items aren't earned nor collected
#1821 opened by Gamarleton - 1
Hearthstone 10th Anniversary shows up in Durotar but currently no way to obtain the items or hide them.
#1816 opened by bushkanaka86 - 2
- 1
LUA error when logging into Blackrock Depths - Retail
#1811 opened by raysmith59 - 2
feature request filter by expansion
#1780 opened by KristianLake - 3
Source info is missing in tooltip in ATT 4.0.17
#1812 opened by ynazar1 - 4
BFA recruit a friend rewards still learneable in tww if you recruit a person during bfa
#1798 opened by milotic - 1
- 8
Thruk's Fishing Rod doesn't count
#1805 opened by ilyashaginov - 5
Missing hidden quest of zekvir chest
#1784 opened by milotic - 4
Lua Error with Classic Era
#1801 opened by Gogo1951 - 5
Classic SOD, Loremaster Achievements require more quests than are available.
#1799 opened by Geldahar - 2
- 1
Bug when clicking link in chat.
#1786 opened by kalutro - 0
- 1
tw.lua:69 Unable to localize
#1789 opened by Roland-1223 - 1
- 1
new brewfest quest in azj kahet
#1794 opened by milotic - 1
- 2