BrainDamaged is a project that builds the multiple Projects.
- BrainDamagedVM a 32-bit Bytecode Virtual Machine
- BrainDamagedAssembler compiles Assembly into Bytecode
BrainFuckCompiler a BrainFuck to BrainDamagedVM Bytecode compiler.
Location: bdvm/
Version: 0.5.0
- All Instructions are 32-Bit.
- Maximum Stack size is 4096 variables (4096 * 32 bits ~= 16KB)
- Maximum Program size is dynamic with no upper limits, the default allocation is 4096 (4096 * 32 bits ~= 16KB)
- This VM has a Memory size from at least 32 KB.
- ~16 KB is addressable Stack memory
- ~16 KB is at least program code memory
Observing the Memory on Linux, we use about 1721 KB with a 3 instruction program (0x01, RSI, HLT).
- pc = Program Counter (Current executing Instruction)
- sp = Stack Pointer (Current top of Stack)
- tos = Top of Stack
Name | Bytecode | ARGC | Description | Stack Action | Since |
HLT | 0x40000000 | - | Halts the VM | - | 0.1.0 |
NOP | 0x40000001 | - | Does Nothing | - | 0.1.0 |
- | 0x40000002 | - | RESERVED | - | - |
- | 0x40000003 | - | RESERVED | - | - |
- | 0x40000004 | - | RESERVED | - | - |
ADD | 0x40000005 | - | Adds two numbers | POPs twice (sp-2), puts result on tos (sp++) | 0.1.0 |
SUB | 0x40000006 | - | Subtracts two numbers | POPs twice (sp-2), puts result on tos (sp++) | 0.1.0 |
MUL | 0x40000007 | - | Multiplies two numbers | POPs twice (sp-2), puts result on tos (sp++) | 0.1.0 |
DIV | 0x40000008 | - | Divides two numbers | POPs twice (sp-2), puts result on tos (sp++) | 0.1.0 |
DUP | 0x40000009 | - | Duplicates top of stack | Copies top of stack into tos (sp++) | 0.1.0 |
JE | 0x4000000A | 1 | Skips x instructions when tos is 1 |
POPs once (sp--) | 0.1.0/0.3.0 |
JNE | 0x4000000B | 1 | Skips x instructions when tos is 0 |
POPs once (sp--) | 0.1.0/0.3.0 |
CMP | 0x4000000C | - | Compares two values and puts 0 or 1 | POPs twice (sp-2), puts result on tos (sp++) | 0.1.0 |
POP | 0x4000000D | - | Removes from tos | POPs once (sp--) | 0.1.0 |
SWP | 0x4000000E | - | Switches tos | POPs twice (sp-2), puts both switched to stack (sp+2) | 0.1.0 |
INC | 0x4000000F | - | Increments tos | - | 0.2.0 |
DEC | 0x40000010 | - | Decrements tos | - | 0.2.0 |
JMP | 0x40000011 | 1 | Skips x instructions |
- | 0.2.0/0.3.0 |
SPI | 0x40000012 | - | Increments sp | (sp++) | 0.3.0 |
SPD | 0x40000013 | - | Decrements sp | (sp--) | 0.3.0 |
SPC | 0x40000014 | - | Resets sp | (sp = first non-null location from end of stack) | 0.3.0 |
LDI | 0x40000015 | 1 | Adds a value to the stack | Puts value on tos (sp++) | 0.5.0 |
- | - | - | - | - | - |
PSI | 0x40000051 | - | Prints tos as Int to stdout | POPs tos (sp--) | 0.1.0 |
PSC | 0x40000052 | - | Prints tos as ASCII Char to stdout | POPs tos (sp--) | 0.1.0 |
RSI | 0x40000053 | - | Reads from stdin to tos as Int | Puts to tos (sp++) | 0.1.0 |
RSC | 0x40000054 | - | Reads from stdin to tos as ASCII Char | Puts to tos (sp++) | 0.1.0 |
RSW | 0x40000055 | - | Reads from stdin to stack as ASCII until end of line (Max 1024 bytes) | Puts to tos (sp += in bytes / 3) | 0.3.0 |
PSW | 0x40000056 | - | Prints to stdout from stack in reverse as ASCII | POPs from tos (sp -= (in bytes / 3) + 2) | 0.3.0 |
Location: bdasm/
Version: 0.3.0
Please don't expect this to work. This is the first Bytecode Compiler and Bytecode VM I wrote in C++.
BrainDamaged logo made by Freepik from Flaticon
Just don't bother yet. Do with the code what you want, if you event want to touch it ..