DMS Calendar Build Status


  • PHP-ldap
  • PHP >=5.5.9
  • MySQL (version compatible with your environment)
  • Composer


  1. Download Composer or update composer self-update.
  2. Run php composer.phar install.

You should now have all of the components needed to run a local version of the calendar application. Check this by ensuring that the vendor directory in the root folder contains several folders with imported packages.


Create a MySQL database and seed the database using the sql file at config/schema/schema.sql. There are also several database seeders which can add some initial data to your database for event categories, committees, configurations, prerequisites, rooms and tools. More information on how to run those seeders is available in the CakePHP Cookbook

Copy the config/app.default.php file to config/app.php. This file is a mirror of the config file on the production server with accounts and other sensitive information removed.

The .htaccess-sample file in the root directory can, in most cases, be renamed to .htaccess and provide everything needed for CakePHP to route necessary traffic to the webroot directory.