
The Simple Helix API allows developers to easily develop applications for Twitch

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple Helix API makes easy to develop applications for Twitch in couple lines of code


Install with npm:

npm install --save simple-helix-api


Creating Helix object

const HelixAPI = require("simple-helix-api");
const Helix = new HelixAPI({
    access_token: "xxx",
    cliend_id: "xxx"

Params for Helix:

Param Required Default Description
access_token false null Access Token
client_id true null Client ID of application
disableWarns false false Disabled warnings in console

Then you can get your profile ID before start working with API

const { id } = await Helix.getUser(username);

Common methods

Common methods do not require an access token

Get User

Get information about user (example usage: id, profile image, offline image, view count, broadcaster type)

const user = await Helix.getUser(id);

Get Channel

Get channel info like title, game and others

const channel = await Helix.getChannel(id);

Get Stream

Get broadcast information (example usage: realtime viewers count)

const stream = await Helix.getStream(id);

Get Stream Meta

Get broadcast meta information

const meta = await Helix.getStreamMeta(id);

Get Followers

Get first N followers from the end

const followers = await Helix.getFollowers(id, count, after);
Param Type Required Default Max Description
id Number true null - ID of user
count Number false 20 100 Number of count of followers that you can get
after String false null - Pangination cursor (offset)

Get All Followers

Return an array of all followers. The lead time depends on the number of followers on your channel

const all_followers = await Helix.getAllFollowers(id);

Get Followers Count

Get simple number of followers count

const count = await Helix.getFollowersCount(id);

Get Viewers

Get viewers splitted by categories (broadcaster, admins, staff, moderators, vips, viewers). Attention! This method used username instead of user ID

const viewers = await Helix.getViewers(user_name);

Get Game

Get game by this ID or name

const game = await Helix.getGame("Overwatch");

Get Top Games

Get the top 100 most viewed games on Twitch at the moment

const top = await Helix.getTopGames(count);
Param Type Required Default Max Description
count Number false 100 100 Number of games


Update Stream

Attention: access_token is required

Update broadcast information

const response = await Helix.updateStream(id, title, game);
Param Type Required Description
id Number true User ID
title String true Stream title
game String true Game on the stream

Create Stream Marker

Creating stream marker with description

const marker = await Helix.createMarker(id, description);
Param Type Required Description
id Number true User ID
description String false Marker description (can be empty)

Get Stream Markers

Return an array with markers of specified VOD

const markers = await Helix.getMarkers(id, video_id);
Param Type Required Description
id Number true User ID
video_id String false ID of the VOD/video whose stream markers are returned

Create Chatbot

Create chatbot to receive messages from Twitch Chat

You must get oauth token

const oauth_token = "XXXXXX";
const bot = Helix.createChatBot(bot_name, oauth_token, user_name);
bot.on("chat", (channel, user, message) => {
    const username = user["display-name"];
    return console.log(`${username}: ${message}`);
Param Type Required Description
bot_name String true The name of the channel for the bot (you can specify your account nickname)
ouath_token String true OAuth Token that you receive
user_name String true The name of the channel from which the bot will receive messages

You can find events, methods and examples for chatbot here


You can report of any issues here