
Web platform to parse data from chemistry logfiles using cclib

Primary LanguagePython

cclib web repository

Web platform to parse data from chemistry logfiles using cclib


With Docker

  • Install Docker and docker-compose on your machine
  • Clone this repository
    git clone https://github.com/nitish6174/cclib-web
  • Setup the docker environment file
    cp .env.example .env
    Set SETUP_DB as 1 to seed database with parsed files else set 0
    DATA_FOLDER_PATH is the local path to the directory of log files which will be parsed and inserted in dockerized image's database if SETUP_DB is 1
    Setting PRODUCTION to 0 runs flaskapp in debug mode
  • Build the Docker setup and run it
    sudo docker-compose build
    sudo docker-compose up
  • The flask application can now be accessed in browser at localhost:5000

Using python virtual environment

Note : Use Python 3. OpenBabel setup is not added in the below steps.

Below instructions are given for ubuntu

  • Install python pip and virtualenv
    sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
    pip3 install virtualenv
  • Install MongoDB and start MongoDB server
    sudo apt-get install mongo
    sudo service mongodb start
  • Clone repository and setup virtualenv for project
    git clone https://github.com/nitish6174/cclib-web.git
    cd cclib-web
    virtualenv -p python3 venv_py3
  • Download cclib repository inside the cclib-web folder:
    git clone https://github.com/cclib/cclib.git
  • Install pip dependencies and build cclib inside virtual environment
    source venv_py3/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    cd cclib
    python3 setup.py build
    python3 setup.py install
  • Set configuration
    cp config.py.example config.py
    Change the variable values in config.py as suitable
  • Running :
    • Go to cclib-web directory (root of repo) and make sure virtualenv is activated.
      (Run source venv_py3/bin/activate to enter virtual environment)
    • Run python run.py <SETUP_DB> <PRODUCTION> <DATA_FOLDER_PATH> with suitable arguments:
      • SETUP_DB : Set as 1 to seed database with files in specified folder (Default: 0 )
      • PRODUCTION : Setting to 0 runs flaskapp in debug mode (Default: 1 )
      • DATA_FOLDER_PATH : Path to the directory containing log files which will be parsed and inserted in host's MongoDB database (provided SETUP_DB is 1) (Default value taken from congfig.py) Note : All the 3 arguments are optional
    • Then, flask server will start on the machine at port 5000.
    • The application can now be accessed in browser at localhost:5000
    • Stop flask server with Ctrl-C and deactivate virtualenv using deactivate command

Project structure

This project is a framework having 3 modules :

  • Script which processes computational chemistry output files in specified folder and builds a MongoDB database (planned schema given below).
  • API for browsing & searching documents in data repository.
  • Web-interface based on above API allowing document browsing, searching, adding new files to data repository etc.

Available functionality

Details can be found in the TODO list

Here are the features available in web front-end as of now:

  • Any computational chemistry log file (of format supported by cclib) can be uploaded on the webpage to view the parsed data from it
  • A 3D rendering of the molecule if atom coordinates information is available
  • Browse menu listing the various molecular formulas for which documents are available in the deployed instance's data repository
  • Listing of documents corresponding to a molecular formula
  • Search page supporting filtering with various attributes of logfiles
  • Displaying details of a document selected from browsing menu or search results
  • Download data of a particular document
  • Page to upload and add a log file to the data repository

MongoDB schema

The current schema design has 3 collections:

  • parsed_file : Documents containing the parsed data from each of the logfile. Contains parsed attributes and molecular formula.
  • molecule : List of unique molecular formulas of the various parsed_files. Each document contains a list of ObjectIDs of the parsed_file documents corresponding to that molecular formula.
  • attr_stats : Contains a single document containing min and max value for some parsed attributes (used for setting range in searching/filtering).