
bash script to update /etc/hosts that can be used as a systemd service

Primary LanguageShell


bash script to add host entry in /etc/hosts when a docker container is run. Based on this answer on Stack Overflow

Why this solution?

  • Short script, easy to review (didn't want to give some un-reviewed application with lots of dependencies access to the Docker socket (which means root access))
  • It uses docker events to run every time a container is started or stopped (other solutions posted here run every second in a loop, which is way less efficient)
  • Updates /etc/hosts, no separate DNS server needed.
  • Only dependencies are bash, mktemp, grep, xargs, sed, jq and docker, all of which I had already installed.

Just put the script somewhere, e.g. /usr/local/bin/docker-update-hosts

Note: The script removes the _1 suffix added by docker-compose from container names. If you don't want that just remove |sub("_1$"; "") from the script.

You can use a systemd service to run this synchronously with Docker: /etc/systemd/system/docker-update-hosts.service

To activate, run:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable docker-update-hosts.service
systemctl start docker-update-hosts.service

All thanks to Florian Kaiser