
Materials for BCE course "Online Analytical Chemistry: Instrumentation, Application, and Data Analysis"

Primary LanguagePython


Repo contents


Example data files. Data were kindly provided by the following individuals:

  • NH3_emis_acid_*: Johanna Pedersen
  • sabinene.csv: Mads Mørk Jensen
  • slurry_emis*: Frederik Dalby
  • air_cleaners.csv: Kasper Kristensen

These data were originally from real measurements but include some edits to make them more relevant for particular examples or to avoiding releasing unpublished results. So you should treat them as made-up data!

Getting data

To download data files, browse to a particular file (e.g., this one) and click the "download" button:


Or, to get everything, use the green "Code" button:


Either way, be sure to save (or move) the downloaded files to a deliberate location. And if you downloaded a ZIP archive, extract the files.

Alternatively, if you have a GitHub accout and some version of Git or GitHub Desktop installed locally, you can clone the whole repo in the normal way.