

h2 supports these:

{: .-two-column}
{: .-three-column}
{: .-left-reference}

h3 supports these:

{: .-prime}

table supports these:

{: .-shortcuts}
{: .-left-align}
{: .-headers}

pre supports these:

{: .-setup}

ul supports these:

{: .-also-see}
{: .-four-column}
{: .-six-column}

Each sheet supports these metadata:

title: React.js
category: React
layout: 2017/sheet   # 'default' | '2017/sheet'
ads: false           # Add this to disable ads
updated: 201708      # To show in the updated list (update _config.yml)

Setting up redirects

This example sets up a redirect from es2015 to es6:

# /es2015.md
title: ES2015
category: Hidden
redirect_to: /es6