
Public rosinstall files for the AUXOS project

Primary LanguageBatchfile




The AUXOS ROS packages make use of the new Catkin build system and are designed for ROS Indigo. ROS should be installed following the instructions at: http://www.ros.org/. Additional information on Catkin can be found at: http://www.ros.org/wiki/catkin

The new wstool (http://www.ros.org/wiki/wstool) is also preferred to rosinstall and should be installed using:

sudo apt-get install python-wstool

The simulation portions of the packages require the MORSE simulator and the IS4S addtions to the simulator. These must be installed previously using:

cd ~/devel
git clone git@github.com:davidhodo/morse.git
cd morse
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install

cd ~/devel
git clone https://github.com/davidhodo/is4s_morse_additions
cd is4s_morse_additions
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install

Needed ROS stacks:

  • standard ROS stacks (roscpp, rospy, etc…)
  • joystick_driver
  • actionlib


Create a folder to use for the ROS catkin workspace:

mkdir auxos_ws
cd auxos_ws

Depending on the target vehicle (simulation, Segway, Ranger EV, etc.) the workspace will be created with different rosinstall files. The repositories needed by all systems can be installed using the command

wstool init -j8 src https://raw.github.com/AUXOS/auxos-ros-pkg/master/rosinstall/complete.rosinstall

Additional packages can be added to the workspace using 'wstool set':

wstool set serial --git git@github.com:wjwwood/serial.git
wstool update

Build the workspace (from auxos_ws):


Adding Packages

Additional packages not listed in the rosinstall files can be added to the workspace using wstool:

wstool set auxos_messages --git 
wstool update git@github.com:GAVLab/auxos_messages.git

Simulating the Segway RMP400

Teleop Simulation

roslaunch segwayrmp400_sim teleop.launch

Path Following Simulation

roslaunch segwayrmp400_sim test_path_following.launch

When the user interface window is displayed, click follow path and browse to "simple_path.txt" in segwayrmp400_sim/data.

Modifications for OS X

The standard joystick_drivers package does not function


A list of all available rosinstall files in the package are given below: