
SHow mE The Issues

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

SHow mE the Issues


Build Status

SHETI : pronounced /ˈʃeti/

The prupose of this app is to publish issues from different code repositories (bitbucket and github are currently supported) into hipchat rooms.

It's a ZF2 cli app that will connect to repos, get the issues, process them and publish them in hipchat rooms.


We use bitbucket issue management module to handle bugs / features. The "bug" email notification is lost in the avalanche of notifications we receive daily. We need a way of exposing bugs for the team involved in the project


  1. Clone project into your working directory

  2. Use composer to get dependencies

    $ php composer.phar install
  3. Copy /config/autoload/local.php.dist to /config/autoload/local.php.

    $ cp /config/autoload/local.php.dist /config/autoload/local.php
  4. Customize /config/autoload/local.php as needed for your environment.

  5. Enjoy!!



➜  show-me-the-issue git:(master) ✗ php public/index.php
Show Me The Issue


Posts issues to hipchat room
  index.php issues process [--enable-hipchat] [--hipchat-room=] [--repo=]
                           [--verbose|-v] [--add-image]  Process issues.

  --enable-hipchat                   Publish issues to hipchat
  --hipchat-room=HIPCHAT_GROUP_ID    Use a default room to post issues, used for debugging
  --repo=REPOSITORY_ID               Will process only this repository
  --verbose|-v                       (optional) turn on verbose mode
  --add-image                        Add image when publishing  


  • Add tests for service & Connectors (doing need more)
  • Create a service for SHETI
  • Add connegtor for GitHub (done)
  • Add connector for Jira
  • Move HipchatPublisher to a module
  • Add Publisher for IRC
  • Make issue processor event driven and make publisher listen those.
  • Create template / entity for publisher messages.