
AWS Autoscaler for the Apache Mesos Airflow Provider

Primary LanguageGoEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

AWS Autoscaler for Apache Airflow Mesos Provider

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This AWS autoscaler will start EC2 instances if Airflow does not get matched offers from mesos.



To open an issue, please use this place: https://github.com/m3scluster/mesos-airflow-autoscaler-aws/issues


  • Airflow min 2.1.x
  • Apache Mesos min 1.6.x
  • Airflow Mesos Provider min 2.0
  • AWS


ENV Default Description
AIRFLOW_MESOS_SCHEDULER IP Address and port of the Apache Airflow Mesos provider
LOGLEVEL debug Loglevel (info, warn, debug)
WAIT_TIME 2m The time in minutes the autoscaler have to wait until it will create a mesos instance in AWS
WAIT_TIME_OVERWRITE_INSTANCE 15m If the DAG is still after 15m in the queue, the autoscaler will ignore the custom instance type to start a new ec2 instance.
REDIS_SERVER Redis server and port
REDIS_PASSWORD Redis DB password
REDIS_DB 2 Redis DB Number
REDIS_PREFIX asg Prefix for every Redis key
API_USERNAME user Username to authenticate against the Apache Airflow Mesos provider
API_PASSWORD password Password to authenticate against the Apache Airflow Mesos provider
AWS_REGION eu-central-1 AWS Region
AWS_WAIT_TIME 10m The time the autoscaler have to wait until it check if the EC2 intance can be terminated.
AWS_INSTANCE_FALLBACK t3a.2xlarge Fallback instance type will be used if there are no more ec2 resources in AWS.
AWS_INSTANCE_DEFAULT_ARCHITECTURE x86_64 Default architecture of ec2 instance.
AWS_INSTANCE_ALLOW "t3.,r5.,c5." Only these instances are allowed.
AWS_INSTANCE_MAX_AGE 6h Max age on an instance. That should prevent instances to run endless.
MESOS_AGENT_SSL false Enable SSL for the communication to the Mesos agent
MESOS_AGENT_USERNAME Username of the Mesos Agent
MESOS_AGENT_PASSWORD Password of the Mesos Agent
MESOS_AGENT_PORT 5051 Port of the Mesos Agent
MESOS_AGENT_TIMEOUT 10m Mesos agent timeout
SSL false Enable SSL for the communication to the Airflow Scheduler API
DAG_TTL 6h Set the TTL for DAG'keys in Redis.

Airflow Executor Config

These autoscaler support the following executor config parameters:

    "mem_limit": 2048,
    "instance_type": "t2.xlarge"
  • With the help if the mem_limit parameter, the autoscaler will determin which AWS instance is the right one.
  • instance_type will overwrite the mem_limit and just crate a instance of that type.


AWS - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/code-samples/latest/catalog/go-ec2-create_instance.go.html