PI to AVEVA Data Hub Transfer Verification Sample

Version: 1.0.3

Build Status

Developed against PowerShell 5.1


About this sample

This sample can be used to compare data stored in a PI Data Archive to data written to AVEVA Data Hub through the PI to AVEVA Data Hub agent and easily confirm all intended data was sent successfully by the PI to Data Hub agent.

The sample retrieves data between the StartIndex and EndIndex for the Stream with StreamId and PI Point with PointId specified in appsettings.json. The data is then written to csv files adh_data.csv and pi_data.csv respectively. If the data is of type float, the application rounds the data to three decimal places to account for the difference in how the two datasources format floating point data. The function used to pull data from the PI Data Archive uses a count equal to the number of events retruned from ADH to ensure that missing snapshot data does not give the appearance of a dropped event. When compression is enabled on a PI Point, the PI to ADH agent only sends archived data.

Once the data is writen to adh_data.csv and pi_data.csv, the data can be compared in your preffered spreadsheet application or Test.ps1 can be adapted to do the comparison automatically using PowerShell.

Configuring the sample

The sample is configured using the file appsettings.placeholder.json. Before editing, rename this file to appsettings.json. This repository's .gitignore rules should prevent the file from ever being checked in to any fork or branch, to ensure credentials are not compromised.

The StartIndex and EndIndex are ISO8601 formatted datetime strings. If other timestamp formats are used, they may result in time offsets due to differences in UTC and local timezones.

AVEVA Data Hub is secured by obtaining tokens from its identity endpoint. Client credentials clients provide a client application identifier and an associated secret (or key) that are authenticated against the token endpoint. You must replace the placeholders in your appsettings.json file with the authentication-related values from your tenant and a client-credentials client created in your ADH tenant.

    "Resource": "https://uswe.datahub.connect.aveva.com",                        // URL of ADH (Do not change if you are unsure)
    "ApiVersion": "v1",                                                          // Api version used in ADH (Do not change if you are unsure)
    "TenantId": "PLACEHOLDER_REPLACE_WITH_TENANT_ID",                            // Id of your ADH Tenant
    "NamespaceId": "PLACEHOLDER_REPLACE_WITH_NAMESPACE_ID",                      // Id of Namespace in your ADH Tenant where the streams reside
    "ClientId": "PLACEHOLDER_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER",                    // Client Id to use when connecting to ADH
    "ClientSecret": "PLACEHOLDER_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_SECRET",                    // Client secret to use when connecting to ADH
    "DataArchiveName": "PLACEHOLDER_DATA_ARCHIVE_NAME",                          // Name of Data Archive to retrieve data from
    "PointIds": [1,2],                                                           // List of PI Point Ids to retrieve data for. These get automatically translated into corresponding Stream Ids
    "StartIndex": "2022-03-12T00:00:00Z",                                        // Timestamp to start pulling data at in ISO 8601 format
    "EndIndex": "2022-03-15T00:00:00Z",                                          // Timestamp to stop pulling data at in ISO 8601 format
    "DataArchiveAlias": "PLACEHOLDER_REPLACE_WITH_DATA_ARCHIVE_ALIAS_OPTIONAL",  // Optional parameter used if the server name in your Stream Ids is different than the DataArchiveName
    "DATimeout": "00:01:00",                                                     // Timeout used when querying data from Data Archive in the form "hh:mm:ss"
    "ADHTimeout": 60,                                                            // Timeout used when querying data from AVEVA Data Hub in seconds
    "Username": "TEST_ONLY",                                                     // Username to connect to the PI Data Archive with for testing purposes only. If removed or set to null, the credentials of the user running the script are used.
    "Password": "TEST_ONLY"                                                      // Password to connect to the PI Data Archive with for testing purposes only. If removed or set to null, the credentials of the user running the script are used.

Running the sample

To run this example from Windows Powershell once the appsettings.json is configured, run


Testing the sample

To run the unit test for this sample, run


Tested against Powershell 5.1

For the main ADH samples page ReadMe
For the main AVEVA samples page ReadMe