AVEVA Data Hub Java Library Sample

Version: 0.2.6_preview

Build Status

The Java ADH library is an introductory language-specific examples of programming against AVEVA Cloud Services (ADH). It is intended as an instructional samples only and is not for production use.

The library is not intended to show every endpoint and every option/parameter for endpoints it has. The library is known to be incomplete.

Installing the Library Locally

Using Eclipse

  1. Clone a local copy of the GitHub repository.
  2. In Eclipse, select File > Import > Maven> Existing maven project
  3. Select the local copy, and click Finish to add it to your workspace

Using Command Line

  1. Clone a local copy of the GitHub repository.
  2. Download apache-maven-x.x.x.zip from http://maven.apache.org and extract it.
  3. Setting environment variables.
    1. For Java JDK
      1. New User Variable
        1. Variable name - JAVA_HOME
        2. Variable value - location to the Java JDK in User variables.
      2. add JDK\bin path to the Path variable in System variables.
    2. For Maven
      1. New User Variable
        1. Variable name - MAVEN_HOME
        2. Variable value - location to the extracted folder for the maven ~\apache-maven-x.x.x in User variables.
      2. add ~\apache-maven-x.x.x\bin path to the Path variable in System variables.
  4. *Install the ocs_sample_library_preview to your local Maven repo using mvn install from /sample-ocs-sample_libraries-java

*Currently this project is not hosted on the central Maven repo and must be compiled and installed locally.

Tests are done by testing the sample apps that use this library.

Developed against Maven 3.6.1 and Java 1.8.0_181.

AVEVA Samples are licensed under the Apache 2 license.

For the main ADH sample libraries page ReadMe
For the main ADH samples page ReadMe
For the main AVEVA samples page ReadMe