
MOBI6021 Final Exam Mini Project

Primary LanguageJava


MOBI6021 Mobile Programming
2019-2020 Even Terms
Final Exam mini project

Note: please use your own NewsAPI key as defined here

Creative Thinking

  • Use MVP architecture as its clean architecture to support clean code, with the view layer and the presenter layer merged (to simplify the project complexity)
  • OnlineNewsManager extends Vector<News> in order to make a "cache" data of the latest query
  • Use utils/* as helper classes


Here is a list of dependencies in this project

  • com.android.volley:volley:1.1.1
  • com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828

Device Specifications

Here a list of devices used in testing phase

  • API 28 Android 9: Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1
  • API 24 Android 7.0: Nexus 5X (Emulator)
  • API 24 Android 7.0: Pixel 2 (Emulator)
  • API 23 Android 6.0: Nexus S (Emulator)


Here is a list of URLs that had been accessed and (maybe) give some insights to this project