_____ __ ___ ___ ___ _/ ___/__ _/ / / _ \(_-</ _ `/ /__/ _ `/ / \___/___/\_, /\___/\_,_/_/ /___/ *===========================* osgCal is an adapter to use cal3d (http://home.gna.org/cal3d/) inside an OSG (http://www.openscenegraph.com/) tree. Requirements: * Cal3D (version 0.11.0 or higher) * OSG (version 2.0.0 or higher) Features: * Completely wraps Cal3D so that users doesn't need to know the cal3d API. But the simplified API is similar to Cal3D one to ease the use for Cal3D users. * Handles several animations, meshes and materials in a single model. Offers an API for changing between different animations without knowing anything about cal3d. * Uses GLSL hardware skinning, yet supporting OSG picking. * Can be switched to fixed function implementation. * Supports normal/bump mapped, two-sided & transparent meshes. * Uses different shaders (with minimum of instructions) for different materials. * Uses matrix transforms and non-skinning shader for fast drawing of rigid meshes. * Calculates deformations only when bone positions are changed. * Puts each submesh inside a different osg::Drawable to take advantage of the OSG state sorting. How to build: * Type the following commands: cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make sudo make install * If you want to install into /usr/ instead of /usr/local, use this instead: cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr * If some libraries are not found using "cmake ." (for example under Windows) you can use following environment variables OSG_DIR CAL3D_DIR After installation you get: * libosgCal{.so|.dll} -- the library itself. * osgCalViewer[.exe] -- model viewer: osgCalViewer cal3d.cfg - view model osgCalViewer <...>.cmf - view one mesh from model osgCalViewer <...>.caf - view specified animation osgCalViewer --help - for additional command line parameters In the viewer itself you can run and switch animation cycles using '1', '2', etc. keys and '0' key to stop animation. Using 'Ctrl+1', 'Ctrl+2', etc. keys you can run single animation. Also you can use 'h' key to see other available key combinations. * osgCalPreparer[.exe] -- meshes cache file preparer. Use it to speedup subsequent loading times. It saves mesh data generated by osgCal for the model so there is no more need to regenerate it each load. When running: osgCalPreparer cal3d.cfg it creates `cal3d.cfg.meshes.cache' file which is later used when loading model. BTW, with meshes.cache file you can remove *.cmf files since they are not needed anymore.
From https://osgcal.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/osgcal/trunk/osgCal