Note: osgPPU is not developed further. The repository has moved to read-only state. How to use examples =============================== ATTENTION: Examples do load .ppu and .glsl files out of the Data directory, which can be found in the main direcotry of osgPPU. In order that this files are found you have to setup the OSG_FILE_PATH environment variable accordingly. Hence on Unix systems do following: export OSG_FILE_PATH=$OSG_FILE_PATH:/path/were/osgPPU/is/installed/ Other solution would be just to copy the Data/ directory under your bin/ directory to let examnple run The Data/ irectory does contain some examples and tools coming together witht the osgPPU package. Use them to see how all the things are setted up. Use the viewer to see the .ppu files which you can find in the bin/Data/ directory. For example: cd bin ./viewer Data/motionblur.ppu will show you how the motionblur effect can be realized with the osgPPU. The corresponding .ppu file does contain a main setup for the correct effect pipeline. How to build the osgPPU =============================== The osgPPU uses the CMake build system to generate a platform-specific build environment. This build system was choosen since OpenSceneGraph is also based on it. If you don't already have CMake installed on your system you can grab it from, use version 2.4.6 or later. Details on the OpenSceneGraph's CMake build can be found at: Under unices (i.e. Linux, IRIX, Solaris, Free-BSD, HP-Ux, AIX, OSX) use the cmake or ccmake command-line utils. To compile osgPPU type following: cd osgPPU cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make sudo make install Alternatively, you can create an out-of-source build directory and run cmake or ccmake from there. The advantage to this approach is that the temporary files created by CMake won't clutter the osgPPU source directory, and also makes it possible to have multiple independent build targets by creating multiple build directories. In a directory alongside the OpenSceneGraph use: mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make sudo make install If you would like to install the library somehwere else than the default install location, so type in the main directory of osgPPU the following: cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install make install Under Windows use the GUI tool CMakeSetup to build your VisualStudio files. The following page on OpenSceneGraph's wiki dedicated to the CMake build system should help guide you through the process: How to build osg plugin osgdb_ppu =============================== The plugin is build together with the complete library. However to install the library file in correct plugin directory you have to specify the version of osg with: cmake . -DOSG_VERSION=2.5.x The consecutive call of "make install" would install the ppu plugin under PREFIX/lib/osgPlugins-2.5.x/. If no version was specified then the installation path is PREFIX/lib/osgPlugins-2.4.0/
osgPPU is an OpenSceneGraph NodeKit. It provides you with a graph based specification of a computation pipeline based on so called PostProcessingUnits (PPUs).