
A type-aware, type-safe parser [C++17]

Primary LanguageC++


Your worst nightmare regarding C++ template metaprogramming)

Ah yes, the parser...

Parser creation:

auto parser = make_parser("([" << repeat<3>(value<int>() << ",")
                          << "] " << value<std::string>().then(")") );

The parsers are built using 'schemes':

  • value<T>(...) [ tells the parser to extract the value of type T ]
  • match(...) [ tells the parser to match argument of match() ]
  • repeat<N>( scheme ) [ returns an std::array<scheme::ret_type, N>]
  • Chain<Scheme1, Scheme2> (cast implicitly when using scheme1 << scheme2
  • "..." gets converted to match("...") when used in << with another scheme
  • any combination of the above

Actual parsing (using C++17's new syntax)

auto [x,y] = parser.parse("([11,22,33,] a string)");