This is a starter template that can be extended to quickly build a Storybook React UI component library in TypeScript. This template includes the ability to:
- deploy the Storybook to GitHub Pages
- publish npm package of the UI component library to GitHub Packages or the npm registry
- deploy preview Storybook environments in Chromatic on creation of pull-requests (to merge into the main branch).
Access live QA environment deployed on GitHub Pages.
- Include
"publishConfig": {
"registry": ""
in the package.json.
- In package.json, change value of the "name" field to
. In the case of my repo, that would be
"name": "@AVu120/typescript-react-storybook-template",
- Enable GitHub Actions workflow: .github\workflows\publish_github_package.yml (read comments in that file for instructions on how to enable it).
- Disable .github\workflows\publish_to_npm_registry.yml.
- Exclude
"publishConfig": {
"registry": ""
from package.json.
- In package.json, change value of "name" field to
. In the case of my profile in which I want to publish to, that would be
"name": "@anthonyhienvu/typescript-react-storybook-template"
Enable GitHub Actions workflow: .github\workflows\publish_to_npm_registry.yml (read comments in that file for instructions on how to enable it).
Disable .github\workflows\publish_github_package.yml.
Increment the semantic versioning in the package.json file to reflect the changes you have made.
Create a pull-request (PR) to merge your feature branch into the main branch.
Have relevant stakeholders inspect code/DOM/component/visual/story changes in the Chromatic PR preview environment. You can access this PR preview environment by going to the pull-request page:
Click on the 'Details' link.
Click on one of the links below to see the full updated Storybook or only the PR changes deployed in Chromatic.
If you open the build details on Chromatic, you'll see a summary of the changes in the PR:
- Click on the 'Review changes' button to drill-down into each change.
- After all the changes have been accepted in Chromatic & the PR has been approved on GitHub by relevant stakeholders, merge & squash the PR into main.
On completion of step 8, the updated Storybook will be automatically deployed to the live QA environment (if .github\workflows\deploy_to_qa_env.yml is enabled).
- Create a .npmrc file in the root of your project directory if it doesn't already exist.
- Add this to your .npmrc file:
E.g. for this template repo, this would be
- Generate a GitHub personal access token with repo, read:packages, write:packages permissions.
- Add that token into the .npmrc file as follows (fake token used as example)
- Go to the repo home page.
- Click on the typescript-react-storybook-template package link:
- Follow the displayed instructions to import the package into your project.
- Go to
- Follow the instructions to import the package into your project.
- Name: Anthony Hien Vu
- Email:
- LinkedIn:
- Online Resume/Portfolio: