
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Link to the server running the application.


Link to video where your application is presented and demonstrated.


Project test documents


AWAP-Group13 (github.com)


Advance Web Applications Project-Professional English part (Group-13)

Description of what the project is about

The name of the project is Climate Change Visualization application. The objective of this project was to create a Climate change visualization application which displays climate change data such as temperature and carbon dioxide over time. This document gives the description of what the project has been like, the description of the technologies used in the project and the contribution made by each of the team members for the accomplishment of this project.

`Our application has two views which are N1 and N2 views.

N1 view is the data visualization of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and temperatures that consists of eight visualizations as follows:`

V1 shows the line chart which displays measured temperature history of global historical surface temperature with monthly and annual data. V2 shows the line chart of 2,000 years temperature reconstruction including annual data of measured temperature of global historical surface temperature history.
V3 shows a line chart which displays the results of the Mauna Loa Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentration measurements annually and monthly. V4 shows a line chart to display the three-ice core dataset including Mauna Loa Carbon Dioxide (CO2) measurements annually. V5 shows a line chart of historical Carbon Dioxide (CO2) record from Vostok ice core.
V6 shows a line chart of Antarctic ice core 800,000 years Carbon Dioxide (CO2) measurements data.
V7 shows the multi-axis line chart of global temperature over the past two million years. V10 shows human evolution and activities with toggleable options including V7 and V4.

N2 is the data visualization of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emission which consists of two visualizations

V8 is about the amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emission by country from 1959 to 2020. This data consists of 141 countries' carbon emission from 1941 to 2020. This display is stacked line graph. V9 display is a doughnut chart which shows Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emission percentage by sector. This data includes 30 sector like road, aviation ectara.

Description of what the project has been like.

The project was quite new to us and different, which gave us the opportunity to learn new things. We were able to manage the project although we faced some challenges like fetching data from API to frontend. In addition to this, we were not able to do user specific view. Since the project was a collaborative effort, it was challenging to deal with different aspects, but we quickly learned how to calibrate with each person to work in the group and to their own role. During this project we had a great experience of learning new skills like team collaboration, communication, punctuality and teamworking spirit which are essential for our professional career.

Description of the technologies used in the project

Frontend technology: React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSX (JavaScript XML),

Database: Mongo DB,

Backend technology: Nodejs, Mongoose,

The project team members: Who did what?

Divine Kweche Ebechue: User sign up, login and N2 view both frontend and backend
Md Ashiquer Rahman: N1 view v6 & v7 both backend and frontend. Sanjay Khati Chhetri: Database, N1: v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v10 with frontend and backend

How to install and use the application

To use the application, we have the link and when you go to the link, at the very top of the webpage, we have two views N1 and N2 which we can toggle between. If you click N1 you can see V1 to V7 and V10 whereas if we you click N2 then you can see V8 & V9.

Link to the server


AWAP-Group13 (github.com)


Project created by:

Sanjay Khati Chhetri Md Ashiquer Rahaman Divine Kweche Ebechue