
This repository contains a microservice-based Sample App demonstrating observability capabilities in the Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Primary LanguagePython

Microservice Observability with Amazon OpenSearch Service Workshop

Amazon OpenSearch Service’s Trace Analytics functionality allows you to go beyond simple monitoring to understand not just what events are happening, but why they are happening. In this workshop, learn how to instrument, collect, and analyze metrics, traces, and log data all the way from user front ends to service backends and everything in between. Put this together with Amazon OpenSearch Service, AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, FluentBit, and Data Prepper.



Instructions (full version):

Detailed Workshop instructions should be followed in this guide:

Instructions (short version): 🚀


  • CloudFormation temples are in the /cf-templates directory;

  • Launch them from the CloudFormation console:

    • stack.yaml: The stack will create all the resources needed to run the workshop. VPC, Cloud9, Amazon OpenSearch and Reverse-Proxy Instance.

AWS Cloud9 (Terminal):

  • Run the 00-setup.sh script:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/observability-with-amazon-opensearch/main/00-setup.sh | bash -s stable
source ~/.bash_profile
  • You must create the Amazon EKS Cluster (parameters will be dynamically replaced according to Cloudformation->Output):
cat << EOF > observability-workshop.yaml
apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig

  name: observability-workshop-eksctl
  region: ${AWS_REGION}
  version: "1.21"

  id: "${MyVPC}" # MyVPC
    # must provide 'private' and/or 'public' subnets by availibility zone as shown
        id: "${PrivateSubnet1}" # PrivateSubnet1
        id: "${PrivateSubnet2}" # PrivateSubnet2
        id: "${PrivateSubnet3}" # PrivateSubnet3
        id: "${PublicSubnet1}" # PublicSubnet1
        id: "${PublicSubnet2}" # PublicSubnet2
        id: "${PublicSubnet3}" # PublicSubnet3

- name: nodegroup
  desiredCapacity: 3
  instanceType: t3.small

# To enable all of the control plane logs, uncomment below:
# cloudWatch:
#  clusterLogging:
#    enableTypes: ["*"]

  • Run the (responsible for creating the Amazon EKS Cluster):

eksctl create cluster -f observability-workshop.yaml

  • Run the (responsible for building and pushing the images to the Amazon ECR):

cd observability-with-amazon-opensearch/scripts/; bash 01-build-push.sh

  • You must change credentials and endpoint in Fluentbit (the parameters to be replaced must be checked in the CloudFormation-> Outputs [tab] of the first step):

vim /sample-apps/00-fluentBit/kubernetes/fluentbit.yaml
  • You must change credentials and endpoint in DataPrepper (the parameters to be replaced must be checked in the CloudFormation-> Outputs [tab] of the first step):
hosts: [ "https://__AOS_ENDPOINT__" ]
username: "__AOS_USERNAME__"
password: "__AOS_PASSWORD__"
vim /sample-apps/01-data-preper/kubernetes/data-preper.yaml
  • Run the (responsible for applying the Kubernetes manifests):

bash 02-apply-k8s-manifests.sh

  • Run the (to get the Sample APP DNS endpoint):

kubectl get svc -nclient-service | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n1


  • Access Sample APP (URL): kubectl get svc -nclient-service | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n1

  • Access OpenSearch Dashboards (URL): CloudFormation->Output->DashBoardPublicIP