
different types of regression

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


I've uploaded two copies of the notebook: the original *.ipynb file, together with its paired *.pdf representation.

  1. Simple_linear_regression
  • dataset: 1.01.Simple_linear_regression.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, seaborn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, linear regression, scatterplot
  1. Simple_Linear_Regression_Exercise
  • dataset: real_estate_price_size.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, seaborn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, linear regression, scatterplot
  1. Multiple_linear_regression_and_Adjusted_R-squared_with_comments
  • dataset: 1.02.Multiple_linear_regression.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, seaborn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression
  1. Multiple_Linear_Regression
  • dataset: real_estate_price_size_year.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, seaborn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression
  1. Dummy_variables_with_comments
  • dataset: Dummies.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, seaborn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, dummy variables, regression, scatter plot, drawing two regression lines on one plot
  1. MLRegression+Dummies
  • dataset: real_estate_price_size_year_view.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, seaborn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, regression, dummy variables
  1. Making_predictions_dummies
  • dataset: Dummies.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, seaborn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, dummy variables, regression, scatter plot, predictions
  1. sklearn-LinearRegression
  • dataset: real_estate_price_size.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, scatter plot, linear regression, R-squared, intercept, coefficients, prediction
  1. sklearn_MLR
  • dataset: Multiple_linear_regression.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, multiple regression, p-values
  1. sklearn_MLR_2
  • dataset: real_estate_price_size_year.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, intercept, coefficients, R-squared, Adjusted R-squared, predictions, p-values
  1. sklearn_Feature_Selection
  • dataset: 1.02. Multiple linear regression.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, standarizaton
  1. sklearn_Predictions_StandardizedCoefficients
  • dataset: 1.02. Multiple linear regression.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, standatization, regression with scaled features, predictions with the standardized coefficients (weights)
  1. sklearn_Feature_Scaling_2
  • dataset: real_estate_price_size_year.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, data standarization, intercept, coefficients, R-squared, Adjusted R-squared, predictions, p-values
  1. sklearn_Train_Test_Split
  • packages: numpy, sklearn
  • tags: data generated (integers 1:100), splitting the data
  1. sklearn_Linear_Regression_cars
  • dataset: cars.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, statsmodels, matplotlib, sklearn, seaborn
  • tags: descriptive statistics, missing values, probability distribution function, outliers, ols assumptions, log transformation, multicollinearity, dummy variables, linear regression, scaling the data, train test split, r-squared, intercept and coefficients, regression summary, testing, prediction
  1. Admittance_regression
  • dataset: Admittance.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, statsmodels, matplotlib, seaborn, scipy
  • tags: regression, LL-null, logistic regression curve
  1. Logistic_Regression
  • dataset: Example_bank_data.csv
  • packages: pandas, statsmodels, matplotlib, seaborn, scipy
  • tags: simple logistic regression, scatter plot, descriptive statistics
  1. Logistic_regression1
  • dataset: Bank_data.csv
  • packages: pandas, statsmodels, matplotlib, seaborn, scipy
  • tags: logistic regression, r-squared, Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
  1. binarypredictors_regression+test
  • dataset: test_dataset.csv, Binary predictors.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, statsmodels, matplotlib, seaborn, scipy
  • tags: logistic regression, scatter plot, testing the model, assesing accuracy, confusion matrix
  1. bank_test+regression
  • dataset: Bank_data_testing.csv, Bank_data.csv
  • packages: numpy, pandas, statsmodels, matplotlib, seaborn, scipy
  • tags: logistic regression, scatter plot, confusion matrix, testing the model,
  • dataset:
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