
To-do api

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Another to-do api? Why?

This project aims to demonstrate the usage of some tecnologies/libraries such as: Typescript, Bookshelf, OvernightJS. As this developer here was not in a creative mood, he decided to do the most commom example: A To-Do Api... Sorry about that and I hope we learn something with those usage examples


This project is developed on typescript. The follow versions were tested and are therefore recommended to run the project:

  • npm: >= 6.9.0
  • node: >= 10.12.0


The gitignore of this project was created with the gitignore npm library. It's silly but can be handy.


EditorConfig helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs. It's another silly thing that can be handy in your project.

I'm using Visual Studio Code so I needed the EditorConfig for VS Code extension.

Database migrations & seeds

To run the database migrations, first you need to have on your .env file the following structure:


The command npm run migrate will run the migrations on your database.

The command npm run migrate:make -- {migration_name} will create a new migration file on ./database/migrations

The command npm run populate will create the default user.

Building and running

First you need to install the packages: npm install

  • npm run build will allow you to build the project, it will transpile the files from typescript from src folder to javascript on dist folder;

  • npm start will allow you to execute the project. It will build and then run;

  • npm run start:dev will allow you to run the project over nodemon;