
Hyprland DotFiles

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Stargazers License last-commit GitHub release

alt text

💥 Copying / Installation / Update instructions 💥


The auto copy script will create backups of intended folders to be copied. However, still a good idea to manually backup just incase script failed to backup!

  • ~/.config (ags alacritty btop cava hypr kitty rofi swappy swaylock swaync waybar wlogout) - These are folders to be copied.
  • ~/Pictures/wallpapers - Will be backed up
  • clone this repo by using git. Change directory, make executable and run the script
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/AXWTV/Hyprland-DotFiles.git
cd Hyprland-DotFiles
  • to copy/install from upstream (possible bugs)
chmod +x copy.sh
  • to copy/install from releases (more "stable")
chmod +x release.sh

Hyprland Installer will All The Dependencise for Arch and Fedora Here.

Having Problems with installation or Other stuff

  • Feel Free to open issues
  • Also for guids go to Wiki

This repo is a fork of JaKooLit's Hyprland-Dots.