
Simple API for managing organizations.

Primary LanguageGo

Organization API

This repository houses a Golang-based API application designed for managing organizations. The application includes features such as token management, CRUD operations for organizations, user invitations, and integration with MongoDB using Docker.


To run the application locally, you need to have docker installed on your machine and make (if you don't have make check the Makefile for compose-build)

  • make compose-build then make compose-up

The application uses Dockerfile in production while it uses Dockerfile.dev in development. as in development I have hot reload enabled! which is missing in the production.


Check out the postman documentations here


  • I tried my best to follow the given structure, even though I have some takes on it like we can merge handlers and controllers into single service.
  • The application is very simple and it's not meant for production use.
  • I will refactor the code but as I don't have time for this now, all I care about is finishing the project before time (later on I will create branches satisfying the new changes)
  • As you have noticed I have mongo-express to see the database

  • I highly recommend using postman to try the API, make sure to use the Org production Env.

  • I am saving the session in the database and also in redis memeory, I know that we can drop mongodb session saving but for consistancy and compatibility I decided to keep everything
  • The application sturcture and code is very scalable, you can see there are many unused things but I kept for the furture!
  • Revoking the refresh token doesn't expire the current access token, so current access token will keep working!
  • The production server is very limited: 1gb ram and 1 CPU core, so keep that in mind!
  • The way I use and store configs really annoys me, I prefer using .env to also be able to using as vars in docker-compose.yaml
  • Talking about the configs, I know I left the secrets exposed on propose (I never do that in production or even in any project) coz the propose of the application is to be delivered in 4 days!

Project Structure

  • cmd/: Contains the main application file.

    • main.go: The entry point of the application.
  • pkg/: Core logic of the application divided into different packages.

    • api/: API handling components.
      • handlers/: API route handlers.
      • middleware/: Middleware functions.
      • routes/: Route definitions.
    • controllers/: Business logic for each route.
    • database/: Database-related code.
      • mongodb/
        • models/: Data models.
        • repository/: Database operations.
    • utils/: Utility functions.
    • app.go: Application initialization and setup.
  • docker/: Docker-related files.

    • Dockerfile: Instructions for building the application image.
  • docker-compose.yaml: Configuration for Docker Compose.

  • config/: Configuration files for the application.

    • app-config.yaml: General application settings.
    • database-config.yaml: Database connection details.
  • tests/: Directory for tests.

    • e2e/: End-to-End tests.
    • unit/: Unit tests.
  • .gitignore: Specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git.


  • Add production branch
  • Refactor code
  • Speed up production build process it takes like 120s to build!
  • More refactoring :D
  • Centeralize the configs in the docker-compose with the ones in config/ + remove the secrets from production
  • Add tests