
A C library that adds C++ Vectors into C!

Primary LanguageC


A C library that implements C++ Vectors in C.

C is a different, and less forgiving language (Depending on how you take it) compared to C++. You have to manage memory yourself, and you have to program all of the data structures yourself if you actually want to use them. In C++, you have STL which implements doubly-linked lists, hash tables, maps, etc. But one of the first data structures you learn is the Vector, a dynamically resizable array.

With the "realloc" command, it is entirely possible to recreate the fan-favourite Vector class in C as a library of functions and a struct. That's exactly what I did. :) Welcome to the CN_Vec library, where dynamically resizable memory is now at your fingertips.

Full documentation at: http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~ssmit285/lib/cn_vec/index.html
The documentation has details and examples on every single function in the library, as well as a guide comparing it to C++ Vectors.