Main Goal

My main goal was to do something as OSSEC, but in realtime. It checks via inotify if CLOSE_WRITE is seen in kernel on a repository. When a CLOSE_WRITE is done, it checks if the file was modified, if the file was executed, if the file was created. Then, it makes a copy of file in a malicious_folder, and remove malicious file


First of all : create backup (see requirements)

execution : python /opt/honey_guardian/bin/notify_v2.0 -f /tmp/testfolder -m /opt/honey_guardian/resources/testfolder-md5sum.db

Future of tool

Need to dameonize


sudo pip install pyinotify


Make sure to create a md5sumdb with the following command : find /tmp/testfolder/ -type f -exec md5sum '{}' ; > /opt/honey_guardian/resources/testfolder-md5sum.db

safe backup

Make sure to create a safe backup used to restore modified files: cp -R /tmp/testfolder /opt/honey_guardian/resources/safe_backup Don't forget to keep the same directory tree as root (because it's badly coded, sorry)