
Sistem Informasi Pendataan Alumni - Studi kasus eLx Corps

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Logo

Alumni Directory

About Project

This project is an alumni directory that allows alumni to create profiles, search for other alumni, and network with each other. The directory is designed to be a central hub where alumni can stay connected with their alma mater and each other.


  • Alumni can create profiles with their personal information, educational background, and professional experience.
  • Alumni can search for other alumni by name, graduation year, location, or industry.
  • Alumni can view each other's profiles and connect with each other.
  • Admin users can manage user accounts and profiles, as well as view usage statistics and analytics.
  • The directory is secure and respects users' privacy by requiring login credentials and providing options for privacy settings.
  • Alumni can read and create news or their own blog posts with administrators' approval.
  • Alumni can connect via organizations, such as student council (OSIS), school organizations, even extracurricular.
  • And so on. Please consider to make a pull request for new features.


This project was built using the following technologies:

  • Laravel framework for backend development
  • Blade for frontend development
  • MySQL for database management
  • Tailwind CSS for responsive web design
  • Pest v.2 for testing
  • Git and GitHub for version control


To install and run the project locally, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Install the necessary dependencies using composer install and npm install.
  • Create a .env file based on the .env.example file and configure the database connection settings.
  • Run database migrations and seed the database with dummy data using php artisan migrate --seed.
  • Start the local development server using php artisan serve.
  • Access the application by visiting http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

Alumni Directory Sponsors

We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for funding Alumni Directory development. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please visit the Owner Sponsor page.

Premium Partners

  • this could be you


Contributions to this project are welcome and encouraged. If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this Alumni Directory project, please send an e-mail to Web Administrator via halo@elx.web.id. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Alumni Directory is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.