#Weather Checking ☀️ ☁️ ⛈ ☔️ 💨

✏️ Description

A simple weather web app to display basic weather information by city name.


📌 Features

  • It auto-displays the weather of the device's current location. This is achieved using navigator geolocation property which helps to get latitude and longitude of the user's position.
  • It lets user search weather of over 200,000 cities.
  • It also loads a background related to the weather conditions of the city searched.

📖 Usage guide

🚩 CAUTION : Make sure that your device allows location sharing to your browser as well as your browser allows location sharing to the website. Location related settings could prevent location auto-detection and display "No weather found.". However, manually searching for a valid city name always works.

  • Allow the browser to access your location when prompted.

Screenshot 2021-05-17 at 1 04 02 AM

  • Weather of the current city you are in will be auto displayed.(For example, Ghaziabad in my case.)

Screenshot 2021-05-17 at 12 27 57 AM

  • Search for the weather info of any city of your choice in the search bar.

Screenshot 2021-05-17 at 1 02 24 AM

  • Incase your browser doesn't support navigator geolocation property. Delhi's weather is returned by default.

API's used

  • OpenWeatherMap's Current weather data API to get realtime weather info. (Allows 60 calls/min and 1,000,000 calls/month)
  • OpenCage Geocoding API to convert latitude and longitude to text. (Allows 1 calls/sec and 2,500 calls/day)


  • Multiple search requests within a second can cause error due to free API keys's restrictions.
  • Current location auto-detection feature is not supported by Safari browser.


  • Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. 🤝
