Snake Game

This is a classic Snake game implemented using Node.js with TypeScript for the backend and React 18 with TypeScript for the frontend.

How to Run

To run the application, use the following command:

bun server/run.ts

This will start the server on port 8001. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8001 to play the game.


The backend is built using Node.js with TypeScript and uses SQLite (sqlite3 library) for the database. The server creates all necessary database tables and handles all database operations.


The frontend is built using React 18 with TypeScript. The entry point for the frontend is client/index.tsx, and the CSS file is client/index.css.

Shared Types

The request and response types (DTO) are described in a shared folder called shared to ensure type consistency between the backend and frontend.

Libraries Used

The following libraries are used in this project:

  • express
  • sqlite3
  • react
  • react-dom
  • tailwindcss

The exact versions of these libraries can be found in the package.json file.


The server and client are on the same port, and the root path (/) is used for endpoints.

Additional Notes

  • The React root is attached to <div id="root"></div>.
  • The server is already running on port 8001 with Express and Socket.IO (in case it's needed).
  • The application is ready to run with all the required functionality implemented.