SpringBoot Social Network Project

  • Circle CI build status: CircleCI


This project is a continuation of the previous one. The previous project was made with pure Servlets and JSP technologies details here. I used the same template layout and created a new project using SpringBoot.



  • Login / Logout
  • Register
  • View own profile
  • View other users profiles
  • Send messages
  • Add and remove friends
  • Accept and decline friends requests
  • Update profile information
  • Change password
  • Search for other users
  • View other users friends lists
  • View last messages
  • Drag and drop profile image upload
  • Internationalization: English and Russian languages
  • Localization


  • Make other user admin
  • Block user

Technologies used


  • Java 11
  • Spring: SpringBoot, MVC, Data JPA, Security, DevTools, Actuator
  • Maven
  • H2, Mysql, ClearDb(Heroku)
  • Thymeleaf
  • Javascript, jQuery
  • Html, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Test: JUnit, Mockito


  • Heroku as CD tool
  • Circle CI as CI tool
  • Docker for containerization

Application demo is available on Heroku

Link: https://springboot-social-network.herokuapp.com/
Cersei is average user and Tyrion Lannister is super admin. Tyrion can't be blocked or made average admin user.

Credentials for Cersei Lannister:

Tyrion Lannister credentials:

Quick start


  • Java 11
  • Maven


  1. git clone https://github.com/dmcheremisin/SpringBootSocialNetwork.git
  2. mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
  3. cd web.social.network/target
  4. java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=dev social-network.jar
  5. Go to http://localhost:8080

Application profiles

  • dev - profile for development, uses embedded H2 database
  • qa - profile for qa testing, uses Mysql either local, or from docker container: mysql docker container
  • prod - profile for Heroku, uses ClearDb. ClearDb is Heroku analog of Mysql: details
  • docker - profile for Docker. It is created to test connection between 2 containers: mysql and social-network(spring boot app)


This application is tested in Docker.
I made 2 containers: mysql and social-network, and then linked them.
Commands for images creation and containers startup may be found in the directory: docker


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  • Improve test coverage. Yes, I know it is very important, but I don't have enough time.