
BWSI Medlytics 2023 Week 1 Intro to Diagnostic Research/Machine Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Medlytics Week 1

Welcome! This is the repository for all lectures, assignments, and datasets for Week 1 of the BeaverWorks Medlytics course for 2023. The slides are provided here for easy reference, but will be presented in lecture format. You should fork this repository at the beginning of the week and work on your own copy when completing notebooks and challenge projects.

Datasets Used in this Repo:

PIMA Indians diabetes dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/uciml/pima-indians-diabetes-database/version/1
Depression Dataset from UFHealth Biostatistics Open Learning Textbook: http://bolt.mph.ufl.edu/2012/08/02/learn-by-doing-exploring-a-dataset/


  • Contains Jupyter Notebook lessons where students will need to write their own code
  • Contains Jupyter Notebook Solutions (will be uploaded after lesson notebooks are completed by students)

Challenge Project

  • Contains the hypothyroidism challenge for the end of week 1. Students have to classify whether a patient has hypothyroidism or not given a tabular dataset. Creator: Lyle Lalunio.

Hypothyroidism Data from UCI Machine Learning Repository: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/thyroid+disease