
Make a random noise every time you press a key

Primary LanguageRust

Loud typing

Make random noises when you type



Requires cargo and g++

$ git clone https://github.com/Aadniz/loud-typing.git
$ cd loud-typing
$ cargo build --release

The executable is now located in ./target/release/loud-typing


Please use the evdev branch for wayland. Tested working on KDE Plasma. Does not work on Sway for some reason


$ loud-typing [OPTIONS] [INPUT]...

Optional arguments [INPUT]... to set one or multiple directories containing one or multiple audio files or set one or multiple audio files.

If nothing is provided, it will try the sounds/minecraft/villagers directory

Options type default Description
-r / --random bool false Play sounds in random order
-p / --pitch bool false Play sounds with a random pitch
-d / --pitch-deviation float 0.2 Set the amount of pitch deviation from 0 - 0.99
-h / --help bool false Print help
-v / --version bool false Print version


Play audio files in the sounds/minecraft/villagers directory mapped to all keys (not random).

$ loud-typing

Play random audio files in the sounds/minecraft/villagers directory.

$ loud-typing -r

Play audio files in the sounds/minecraft/villagers directory mapped to all keys (not random), with a pitch deviation of 0.2

$ loud-typing -p -d 0.2

Play audio files in the sounds/hits directory mapped to all keys (not random), with a pitch deviation of 0.3

$ loud-typing -p -d 0.3 sounds/hits

Play random audio file in the sounds/hits directory with pitch deviation of 0.5

$ loud-typing -rp -d 0.5 sounds/hits