
Ansible playbooks and other admin tools used to administrate #! servers

#! Admin Tools

Ansible playbooks and other admin tools/docs for maintaining the #! network.


  • Recent version of Ansible
  • Local #! pass database
  • User with sudo access on all servers


Install a package

  1. Connect to any shell server as yourself

    ssh you@ny1.hashbang.sh
  2. Install Package

    sudo apt-get install some-package
  3. Update packages.txt list

    sudo dpkg --get-selections > /etc/packages.txt
  4. Commit changes via etckeeper

    sudo etckeeper commit -m 'Updated some package'

Making a configuration change

  1. Connect to any shell server as yourself

    ssh you@ny1.hashbang.sh
  2. Make and test any desired changes to files in /etc

    sudo vim /etc/some-config/file
  3. Commit changes via etckeeper

    sudo etckeeper commit -m 'updated some-config with some change'

Sync packages/config across all servers

  1. Run Ansible playbook "sync"

    ansible-playbook -K -u your-sudo-user sync.yml