
a web based content based recommender - recommends Java WiKiBooks Articles using Stackoverflow.com data set

Primary LanguageJava

About the Project :

( Content-based ) Recommendation

screen shot 2016-05-20 at 6 35 45 pm


In this project, I have implement a content based recommender via an web app by recommending similarity based Java programming wiki-books content ( https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Java_Programming ) to Stackoverflow.com data set (10 posts).

To do this:

  • First, crawled java programming wikibooks pages (crawlingSoup.java)
  • Used Apache Lucene (SOLR or any Lucene compatibles to index crawled content )
  • built a simple web app to display the provided StackOverflow 10 posts, by selecting each post,
  • listed recommendations - the top 10 relevant wikibooks items (from your indexed documents).


Main File to run : serveletExample2.java

Code Run Instructions : run serveletExample2.java using tomcat server(version used is 7).

Main JSP File which is called automatically from servelet is index.jsp

External Jar Libraries used are :

  1. jsop-1.8.3.jar
  2. lucene-analyzers-common-4.8.0.jar
  3. lucene-core-4.8.0.jar
  4. lucene-demo-4.8.0.jar
  5. lucene-queryparser-4.8.0.jar

Java files and their functions

  1. crawlingSoup.java - Used to crawl data from website given and 3 types of folders are created. Jsoup is used to crwal the data.
  • textfiles : which will store text files for every indexed page
  • linknames : which stores links to file names
  • htmlfiles : stores html code for files
  1. Keyword.java - This is file containing third party code which is used in indexing files

  2. SampleLuceneIndexing.java - This file contain indexing code which is combination of code provided by professor, third party code and self written code.

  3. ServeletExample2.java - This file contains servelet code which acts as binding place to call all other java files and dynamically calling index.jsp page

  4. index.jsp - This file uses foundation responsive framework to render collapsible panel functionality.

Error Handling

  1. As crawling is done on init() function of servlet, if sometimes directory is not found than please restart the server and run again.