This project is a fully functional chat application developed using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). The application facilitates real-time messaging, allowing users to communicate instantly with one another. The frontend is built using React and utilizes Vite for fast development and hot module replacement, ensuring a smooth user experience. The backend, powered by Express.js and Node.js, manages user authentication, message storage, and chat history retrieval through secure RESTful API endpoints.
Real-Time Messaging: The application facilitates real-time communication, allowing for immediate message delivery and notifications through WebSocket and
User Authentication: Secure user authentication is implemented with JWT (JSON Web Tokens), ensuring that only authorized users can access the chat platform.
User-Friendly Interface: The frontend is crafted with React and utilizes Vite for rapid development, providing a responsive and intuitive user experience.
RESTful API: The backend, powered by Express.js and Node.js, offers RESTful API endpoints for user authentication, message management, and retrieval of chat history.
Scalable Backend: MongoDB is utilized for efficient message storage, enabling the system to scale as the user base expands.
Secure Sessions: JWT-based authentication manages secure user sessions, safeguarding user data and communications.
Notification System: Real-time notifications inform users of new messages and activities, enhancing engagement and responsiveness.
Frontend: React.js, Redux, Axios, Material-UI
Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Socket.IO
Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
Authentication: JWT, Bcrypt