
List of emoji rated for valence in JSON

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List of emoji rated for valence with an integer between minus five (negative) and plus five (positive).



npm install emoji-emotion


var emotion = require('emoji-emotion')

console.log(emotion.slice(0, 5))


[ { name: '100', emoji: '💯', polarity: 3 },
  { name: 'angry', emoji: '😠', polarity: -3 },
  { name: 'anguished', emoji: '😧', polarity: -3 },
  { name: 'astonished', emoji: '😲', polarity: 2 },
  { name: 'black_heart', emoji: '🖤', polarity: 3 } ]

Note the information is intentionally limited. Check out gemoji for more info: tags, descriptions, names, etc.


The included emoji are the faces and cats defined by Unicode. The polarity was hand classified (by one person) based on the names of these emoji (sometimes synonyms) and their AFINN-165 values. Special care was given to not classify based on the images (as different vendors use different pictograms), but only on words and how they are used.

Note that some emoji receive arguably confusing polarities, such as stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes (0), due to being used for both positive and negative emotions.

No images are included in this repository: the copyrighted material may or may not be available on the users computer.


Emoji Name(s) Polarity
👿 imp -4
🖕 middle_finger; fu -4
😾 pouting_cat -4
😡 rage; pout -4
😠 angry -3
😧 anguished -3
💔 broken_heart -3
💩 hankey; poop; shit -3
😱 scream -3
🙀 scream_cat -3
😈 smiling_imp -3
😭 sob -3
😟 worried -3
👎 -1; thumbsdown -2
😰 cold_sweat -2
😖 confounded -2
😕 confused -2
😢 cry -2
😿 crying_cat_face -2
😞 disappointed -2
🤕 face_with_head_bandage -2
😨 fearful -2
😳 flushed -2
☹️ frowning_face -2
😬 grimacing -2
🤥 lying_face -2
🤢 nauseated_face -2
😮 open_mouth -2
😣 persevere -2
💀 skull -2
☠️ skull_and_crossbones -2
🤧 sneezing_face -2
😫 tired_face -2
😒 unamused -2
😩 weary -2
😥 disappointed_relieved -1
😵 dizzy_face -1
🤒 face_with_thermometer -1
👊 fist_oncoming; facepunch; punch -1
😦 frowning -1
👻 ghost -1
😯 hushed -1
😷 mask -1
🤓 nerd_face -1
😔 pensive -1
🙄 roll_eyes -1
🙁 slightly_frowning_face -1
😜 stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye -1
😓 sweat -1
🤔 thinking -1
🤐 zipper_mouth_face -1
🤡 clown_face 0
🤤 drooling_face 0
😑 expressionless 0
🤑 money_mouth_face 0
😐 neutral_face 0
😶 no_mouth 0
😴 sleeping 0
😪 sleepy 0
😝 stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes 0
😤 triumph 0
🙃 upside_down_face 0
🤝 handshake 1
😆 laughing; satisfied 1
🙏 pray 1
🙂 slightly_smiling_face 1
😛 stuck_out_tongue 1
😎 sunglasses 1
👍 +1; thumbsup 2
😲 astonished 2
😊 blush 2
🤠 cowboy_hat_face 2
🤞 crossed_fingers 2
😁 grin 2
😀 grinning 2
🤗 hugs 2
💋 kiss 2
😗 kissing 2
😽 kissing_cat 2
😚 kissing_closed_eyes 2
😙 kissing_smiling_eyes 2
👄 lips 2
👌 ok_hand 2
☺️ relaxed 2
😌 relieved 2
😄 smile 2
😸 smile_cat 2
😃 smiley 2
😺 smiley_cat 2
😏 smirk 2
😼 smirk_cat 2
😅 sweat_smile 2
✌️ v 2
💯 100 3
🖤 black_heart 3
💙 blue_heart 3
👏 clap 3
💘 cupid 3
💝 gift_heart 3
💚 green_heart 3
❤️ heart 3
😍 heart_eyes 3
😻 heart_eyes_cat 3
💓 heartbeat 3
💗 heartpulse 3
😇 innocent 3
😂 joy 3
😹 joy_cat 3
😘 kissing_heart 3
💜 purple_heart 3
💞 revolving_hearts 3
💖 sparkling_heart 3
💕 two_hearts 3
😉 wink 3
💛 yellow_heart 3
😋 yum 3
🙌 raised_hands 4
🤣 rofl 4


MIT © Titus Wormer