Food for Me

Food for Me is food booking system mainly targetted for people who have busy schedule. Food for me will allow restaurants to register and maintain their food menus and orders along with their restaurant account to attract potential customers. Customers can also register and login to book their food by selecting a particular restaurant. Customer will be able to give reviews for restaurant and also mark them as their favourite. Food for me provides an easy way to manage incoming orders, ongoing order and have a proper bill section to automate the billing information. This android app has potential to target most of the trending restaurants and can help people with busy schedule. The project has helped me to apply my technical skills to solve real world problems and it has taught me that the solution may not be feasible solution for every potential end user. Therefore, the application has its capability to scale-up in near future, targeting a wider range of users.

Key usages

  • Firebase Auth Login/Signup feature.
  • Firebase Firestore as backend.
  • Google places API with Auto support map fragment.
  • Two different interfaces for Restaurants and general people.