
A Terraform project for the creation of AWS ,VPC , ALB, EC2 etc.

Primary LanguageHCL

AWS VPC with ALB and EC2 Setup

This Terraform project sets up an AWS infrastructure with the following components:

  • A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Two subnets
  • An Internet Gateway
  • A route table
  • A security group
  • An S3 bucket
  • Two EC2 instances
  • An Application Load Balancer (ALB) with a target group and listener


  • Terraform installed on your local machine
  • AWS CLI configured with the necessary permissions

Project Structure

AWS VPC with ALB and EC2 Setup
├── main.tf # Main Terraform configuration
├── variables.tf # Variable definitions
├── outputs.tf # Output values
├── userdata.sh # User data script for webserver1
├── userdata1.sh # User data script for webserver2
└── README.md # Project documentation

User Data Scripts

  • The userdata.sh and userdata1.sh files should contain the initialization scripts for the EC2 instances.


1. Initialize the Terraform project:

terraform init 

2. Validate the configuration:

terraform validate

3. Plan the deployment:

terraform plan -var="cidr=<your-cidr-block>"

4. Apply the deployment:

terraform apply -var="cidr=<your-cidr-block>"


  • After the deployment, the DNS name of the load balancer will be outputted. You can find it in the outputs.tf file.


  • To delete the created resources, apply the below command:
terraform destroy -var="cidr=<your-cidr-block>"


  • Ensure that the AMI IDs used in aws_instance resources are valid for your region.
  • Adjust the cidr_block values for the subnets as necessary.