
Webhooks microservices using molecular and express built for Dyte Placement task.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Webhooks microservices using molecular and express built for Dyte Placement task.


Routes and request types:

Kindly use POSTMAN or ThunderClient for testing the first four operations. You can use the same for the IP route as well but it might not find the IP address in the headers (x-forwarded-for). You can use ngrok and then use the external address.


  • npm install: To install all the required modules
  • npm run dev: To start the application in development mode on http://localhost:3000
  • docker-compose up -d: Start docker before running this command. The microservices are started along with NATS and Traefik
  • docker-compose logs: To look at the logs

Demo Screenshots

IP Response IP Response

Webhook listener Webhook listener

Webhook listener Webhook listener

MongoDB MongoDB

MongoDB MongoDB

microservices Moleculer

This is a Moleculer-based microservices project. Generated with the Moleculer CLI.


Start the project with npm run dev command. After starting, open the http://localhost:3000/ URL in your browser. On the welcome page you can test the generated services via API Gateway and check the nodes & services.

In the terminal, try the following commands:

  • nodes - List all connected nodes.
  • actions - List all registered service actions.


  • api: API Gateway services
  • url: Service with register,list, update, delete, trigger ip actions.

Useful links

NPM scripts

  • npm run dev: Start development mode (load all services locally with hot-reload & REPL)
  • npm run start: Start production mode (set SERVICES env variable to load certain services)
  • npm run cli: Start a CLI and connect to production. Don't forget to set production namespace with --ns argument in script
  • npm run ci: Run continuous test mode with watching
  • npm test: Run tests & generate coverage report
  • npm run dc:up: Start the stack with Docker Compose
  • npm run dc:down: Stop the stack with Docker Compose