
Keras for Jax

MIT LicenseMIT

keras_jax: Keras API for JAX

What is JAX?

JAX is AutoGrad + XLA. JAX can automatically differentiate native Python and NumPy functions.

  • With jax.grad, you can efficiently compute any-order gradients w.r.t any variables
  • JAX supports JIT compilation (jax.jit). It uses XLA to compile Python functions.
  • JAX supports vectorization (jax.vmap) which can be used to batch code. You can also parallelize code across multiple accelerators using jax.pmap.

What is Keras?

Keras is the official high-level API for TensorFlow. Keras is very user-friendly, intuitive, and easy. Keras is quite extensible and you can go from research to production in no time.

What is keras_jax?

keras_jax aims to replicate the Keras API for JAX. The main idea is to keep things similar to the current Keras API as much as possible. The good thing is that we are writing it from scratch for JAX, we can make a few breaking changes. Because the codebase is completely afresh, there is much more room for flexibility.


The idea is to start simple and then scale it as we go further. If you look at the keras codebase, it is huge. We just want the essential part of it to replicate it for JAX. To start with, here is a simple checklist:

  • Replicate a simple Layer
  • Replicate the Functional API
  • Define an engine
  • Add an end-to-end LR example


Keras Jax is meant to be a community-led open source project. The project and its progress depend on public contributions, bug fixes, and documentation. Do you want to contribute? Please go through the TODO checklist and contribute to any of the stated tasks.

Please see the contribution guidelines to get started. If you aren't quite sure about a particular functionality, feel free to open an issue first.

Note: I am working on this project in my free time apart from my day job. Expect slow to very slow progress.