
This is an Recurrent Neural Network model built to classify Toxic Comments commented on the WikiPedia Plaftorm. The submission is done in the Kaggle Competition.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is an Recurrent Neural Network model built to classify Toxic Comments commented on the WikiPedia Plaftorm. The submission is done in the Kaggle Competition.

The project aims to build a machine learning model that can classify online comments as toxic or non-toxic based on their content. The model is designed to help identify and filter out harmful comments that can lead to online harassment, hate speech, or bullying.

Dataset: The project uses a public dataset called the "Toxic Comment Classification Challenge" from Kaggle, which contains over 150,000 comments labeled as toxic or non-toxic. The dataset is preprocessed and cleaned to remove irrelevant information and normalize the text.

The project uses a deep learning approach based on LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) neural networks, which are well-suited for sequence data processing and can capture long-term dependencies in text. The LSTM model is trained on the preprocessed dataset using a binary classification task, where the goal is to predict whether a comment is toxic or not based on its content.
