
Messaging Application created using FireBase

Primary LanguageJava


A Messaging Application created using FireBase in Android Studio. The Application is linked to a project in FireBase which stores the data of users and the messages sent between them in a Realtime Database linked in the project. A Realtime Database stores and syncs data in real time across all connected devices.

Instructions to installing the built version of Application directly

Go to the folder apk which contains the built Application. It contains the Debug Version as well as the Release Version of Application. Navigate to either folder for the apk and json file of App. Download both and install the apk to run the Taz Chat App.

Features available in the App as now-

1) The App begins with a Starting page which asks if the user already has an account or needs to create a new account

2) Register allows a user to register using a Username with Email and Password Authentication

3) Login is again using Email and Password Authentication

4) Login page has "Forgot your Password?" feature which provides for eamiling a link to reset password

5) After successful Login, Main page appears with the User's Username and Profile picture

6) There is a Menu at the top right corner with two options - Logout and Account Settings

7) Logout takes to the Start page to register new user or login again

8) Account Settings take to Profile page and allows to change Profile page by clicking on the default Android picture or the Change Profile Picture Button available

9) Back takes back to Main page which has two tabs - Friends annd Chats

10) Friends displays the list of all registered users and allows to select a person to send a text message

11) Chats shows the list of users that the current user has texted before along with their status if they are online or offline. Green dot with "ONLINE" appears if online and Grey dot with "OFFLINE" otherwise

12) Messaging page allows to send text messages. It shows the status of last message - "Delivered" initially but changes to "Seen" as soon as the receiver reads the text

For users installing the App

The Login.txt file contains the login credentials of a few registred users which can be used to test the functioning of features mentioned. There is always the option of registering new users too. The Profile Picture uploading option might take a while and if the file size is large, the App may crash. No exceptions were encountered during the thorough checks I performed. The only reason for the App slowing down or crashing was a Profile Picture too large in size. Try with limited size pictures and the App should work fine.