
Everything you need to know about the Automation and Control Labs at Aalborg University

Start Here

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You have entered the world of the Automation and Control Labs at Aalborg University. This GitHub organization aims to collect the software and documentation for the experimental setups in these labs.

This particular repository (start-here) is meant for top level documentation of everything that goes on. You may find:

  • Guides to the different instruments.
  • General pointers on how to conduct yourself in the lab.
  • Who to talk to.
  • How to contribute to the software (and these guides).
  • Etc.
Who Is This For?

Everyone who is going to use, using, or are woking in the Automation and Control Labs at Fredrik Bajers Vej 7C. You may be a Bachelor-, Masters-, or PhD-student, staff, visiting scholar, or visiting high-school student. Please read on and you may acheive enlightenment.

What Goes here?

Well, each of the other repositories in this organization is supposed to hold software. It is good practice to put documentation with the software, either in raw text or in the wikis provided by GitHub. That documentation should be specific to the software, everything else should go here. For further discourse on the documentation process, have a look at How to Write Documentation.

Should I Contribute?

Yes! If you know something that is not written in these pages, chances are that you can contribute valuable knowledge. Go to the How to Contribute page.

What now?

Check the managed list of contents below. Alternatively, you can manually browse the Markdown files (those with a .md suffix) in the source tree.

Table of Contents
