
Intuitive drop-in analytics.

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MixPanel for Laravel

Scrutinizer Coveralls GitHub (pre-)release Packagist GitHub license

Mixpanel for Laravel masthead image.


We like to thank the following sponsors for their generosity. Please take a moment to check them out.


  • Asynchronous data transmission to Mixpanel's services. This prevents any delays to your application if Mixpanel is down, or slow to respond.
  • Drop-in installation and configuration into your Laravel app, tracking the most common events out of the box.
  • Simple Stripe integration allowing you to track revenues at the user level.
  • Front-end-ready Mixpanel JS library, both for Laravel Elixir inclusion or Blade template use.

Requirements and Compatibility

  • PHP >= 7.2
  • Laravel >= 7.0

Legacy Versions


  1. Install the package:
    composer require genealabs/laravel-mixpanel
  2. Add your Mixpanel API Token to your .env file:
  3. Add the MixPanel Host domain only if you need to change your MixPanel host from the default:


Default Values

  • services.mixpanel.host: pulls the 'MIXPANEL_HOST' value from your .env file.
  • services.mixpanel.token: pulls the 'MIXPANEL_TOKEN' value from your .env file.
  • services.mixpanel.enable-default-tracking: (default: true) enable or disable Laravel user event tracking.
  • services.mixpanel.consumer: (default: socket) set the Guzzle adapter you want to use.
  • services.mixpanel.connect-timeout: (default: 2) set the number of seconds after which connections timeout.
  • services.mixpanel.timeout: (default: 2) set the number of seconds after which event tracking times out.
  • services.mixpanel.data_callback_class: (default: null) manipulate the data being passed back to mixpanel for the track events.

Upgrade Notes

Version 0.7.0 for Laravel 5.5

  • Remove the service provider from /config/app.php. The service provider is now auto-discovered in Laravel 5.5.

Page Views

  • Page view tracking has been removed in favor of Mixpanels in-built Autotrack functionality, which tracks all page views. To turn it on, visit your Mixpanel dashboard, click Applications > Autotrack > Web > etc. and enable Autotracking.


MixPanel is loaded into the IoC as a singleton. This means you don't have to manually call $mixPanel::getInstance() as described in the MixPanel docs. This is already done for you in the ServiceProvider.

Common user events are automatically recorded:

  • User Registration
  • User Deletion
  • User Login
  • User Login Failed
  • User Logoff
  • Cashier Subscribed
  • Cashier Payment Information Submitted
  • Cashier Subscription Plan Changed
  • Cashier Unsubscribed

To make custom events, simple get MixPanel from the IoC using DI:

use GeneaLabs\LaravelMixpanel\LaravelMixpanel;

class MyClass
    protected $mixPanel;

    public function __construct(LaravelMixPanel $mixPanel)
        $this->mixPanel = $mixPanel;

If DI is impractical in certain situations, you can also manually retrieve it from the IoC:

$mixPanel = app('mixpanel'); // using app helper
$mixPanel = Mixpanel::getFacadeRoot(); // using facade

After that you can make the usual calls to the MixPanel API:

  • $mixPanel->identify($user->id);

  • $mixPanel->track('User just paid!');

  • $mixPanel->people->trackCharge($user->id, '9.99');

  • $mixPanel->people->set($user->id, [$data]);

    And so on ...

    Stripe Web-Hook

    If you wish to take advantage of the Stripe web-hook and track revenue per user, you should install Cashier: https://www.laravel.com/docs/5.5/billing

    Once that has been completed, exempt the web-hook endpoint from CSRF-validation in /app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php:

        protected $except = [

    The only other step remaining is to register the web-hook with Stripe: Log into your Stripe account: https://dashboard.stripe.com/dashboard, and open your account settings' webhook tab:

    Enter your MixPanel web-hook URL, similar to the following: http://<your server.com>/genealabs/laravel-mixpanel/stripe: screen shot 2015-05-31 at 1 35 01 pm

    Be sure to select "Live" if you are actually running live (otherwise put into test mode and update when you go live). Also, choose "Send me all events" to make sure Laravel Mixpanel can make full use of the Stripe data.

    JavaScript Events & Auto-Track

    Blade Template (Recommended)

    First publish the necessary assets:

    php artisan mixpanel:publish --assets

    Then add the following to the head section of your layout template (already does the init call for you, using the token from your .env file):


    Laravel Elixir

    Add the following lines to your /resources/js/app.js (or equivalent), and don't forget to replace YOUR_MIXPANEL_TOKEN with your actual token:


Laravel Integration

Out of the box it will record the common events anyone would want to track. Also, if the default $user->name field is used that comes with Laravel, it will split up the name and use the last word as the last name, and everything prior for the first name. Otherwise it will look for first_name and last_name fields in the users table.

  • User registers:

        - Status: Registered
      - $first_name: <user's first name>
      - $last_name: <user's last name>
      - $email: <user's email address>
      - $created: <date user registered>
  • User is updated:

      - $first_name: <user's first name>
      - $last_name: <user's last name>
      - $email: <user's email address>
      - $created: <date user registered>
  • User is deleted:

        - Status: Deactivated
  • User is restored (from soft-deletes):

        - Status: Reactivated
  • User logs in:

        - Status: Logged In
      - $first_name: <user's first name>
      - $last_name: <user's last name>
      - $email: <user's email address>
      - $created: <date user registered>
  • User login fails:

        - Status: Login Failed
      - $first_name: <user's first name>
      - $last_name: <user's last name>
      - $email: <user's email address>
      - $created: <date user registered>
  • User logs out:

        - Status: Logged Out

Tracking Data Manipulation

If you need to make changes or additions to the data being tracked, create a class that implements \GeneaLabs\LaravelMixpanel\Interfaces\DataCallback:


namespace App;

use GeneaLabs\LaravelMixpanel\Interfaces\DataCallback;

class MixpanelUserData implements DataCallback
    public function process(array $data = []) : array
        $data["test"] = "value";

        return $data;

Then register this class in your services configuration:

    'mixpanel' => [
      // ...
        "data_callback_class" => \App\MixpanelUserData::class,

Stripe Integration

Many L5 sites are running Cashier to manage their subscriptions. This package creates an API webhook endpoint that keeps vital payment analytics recorded in MixPanel to help identify customer churn.

Out of the box it will record the following Stripe events in MixPanel for you:


  • Authorized Charge (when only authorizing a payment for a later charge date):

        - Status: Authorized
        - Amount: <amount authorized>
  • Captured Charge (when completing a previously authorized charge):

        - Status: Captured
        - Amount: <amount of payment>
    People TrackCharge: <amount of intended payment>
  • Completed Charge:

        - Status: Successful
        - Amount: <amount of payment>
    People TrackCharge: <amount of payment>
  • Refunded Charge:

        - Status: Refunded
        - Amount: <amount of refund>
    People TrackCharge: -<amount of refund>
  • Failed Charge:

        - Status: Failed
        - Amount: <amount of intended payment>


  • Customer subscribed:

        - Status: Created
      - Subscription: <plan name>
  • Customer unsubscribed:

        - Status: Canceled
        - Upgraded: false
      Churn! :(
      - Subscription: None
      - Churned: <date canceled>
      - Plan When Churned: <subscribed plan when canceled>
      - Paid Lifetime: <number of days from subscription to cancelation> days
  • Customer started trial:

        - Status: Trial
      - Subscription: Trial
  • Customer upgraded plan:

        - Upgraded: true
      Unchurn! :-)
      - Subscription: <new plan name>
  • Customer downgraded plan (based on dollar value compared to previous plan):

        - Upgraded: false
      Churn! :-(
      - Subscription: <new plan name>
      - Churned: <date plan was downgraded>
      - Plan When Churned: <plan name prior to downgrading>

The Fine Print

Commitment to Quality

During package development I try as best as possible to embrace good design and development practices to try to ensure that this package is as good as it can be. My checklist for package development includes:

  • ✅ Achieve as close to 100% code coverage as possible using unit tests.
  • ✅ Eliminate any issues identified by SensioLabs Insight and Scrutinizer.
  • ✅ Be fully PSR1, PSR2, and PSR4 compliant.
  • ✅ Include comprehensive documentation in README.md.
  • ✅ Provide an up-to-date CHANGELOG.md which adheres to the format outlined at http://keepachangelog.com.
  • ✅ Have no PHPMD or PHPCS warnings throughout all code.


Please observe and respect all aspects of the included Code of Conduct https://github.com/GeneaLabs/laravel-model-caching/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md.

Reporting Issues

When reporting issues, please fill out the included template as completely as possible. Incomplete issues may be ignored or closed if there is not enough information included to be actionable.

Submitting Pull Requests

Please review the Contribution Guidelines https://github.com/GeneaLabs/laravel-model-caching/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md. Only PRs that meet all criterium will be accepted.

❤️ Open-Source Software - Give ⭐️

We have included the awesome symfony/thanks composer package as a dev dependency. Let your OS package maintainers know you appreciate them by starring the packages you use. Simply run composer thanks after installing this package. (And not to worry, since it's a dev-dependency it won't be installed in your live environment.)