
Implementation of the HyperLogLog probabilistic data structure in C++.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

C++ HyperLogLog Implementation


To build the driver, run:

g++ -std=c++2b -o driver driver.cpp bucket.cpp hyperloglog.cpp


What is HyperLogLog?

HyperLogLog is a probabilistic algorithm for finding the number of distinct elements in a multiset.

Naive Approach

Typical algorithms to find the number of distinct elements in a list of N elements take O(N) memory. An example of a naive approach is below:

unique_elements = set()
for object in [obj1, ...,  objN]:
return len(unique_elements)


If the number of elements is large, we (sometimes) can tolerate having an approximation of the number of distinct elements. HyperLogLog follows the following steps to achieve this:

  1. Have $m$ buckets that hold a roughly equal number of objects, hashed into a binary representation.
  2. For each bucket, count the maximum number of 0s before the leading 1 in all element's binary representation. The idea is that observing a maximum of $n$ leading 0s increases the probability that there are around $2^n$ unique elements.
  3. We take the harmonic mean $mZ$ of this number across buckets to make our estimation more robust. $$Z = (\sum_{i=1}^{m}2^{-n_i})^{-1}$$ Where $n_i$ is the maximum number of leading 0s in the ith bucket.
  4. We then correct this estimation using a constant factor $a_m$, calculated as: $$a_m = m\int_{0}^{\inf}(\log_{2}(\frac{2+u}{1+u})^m du)^{-1}$$

Our final estimation is: $$E = a_m * m^2 * Z$$


When running with 64 buckets, 50k total elements, and 5k unique elements:

Enter number of total elements: 
Enter number of unique elements to estimate: 
Z: 1.08356
alpha: 0.709
numBuckets: 64
Total number of unique elements: 5000
Estimated number of unique elements: 5360.24
Percent Error: 7.20483%


Space: O($loglogn + logn$), $n$ is the set cardinality


  • add(): O(1)
  • estimateCardinality(): O(1)