
The transition from high school to college is not easy. On the one hand, there is the excitement of starting a new life in a new place with new people, on the other hand, there is the anxiety of staying away from family, fear of change, and isolation. According to the study done on undergraduate students by the American College Health Association, over 77% of students experience moderate to severe psychological distress. It also reported that 35% of students were diagnosed with depression and 27% had depression (S22 Undergrad Summary, 2022) Apart from anxiety and depression, college students are often time going through trauma, sleeping disorders, and eating disorders. The availability of mental health resources for college students is limited. Due to financial barriers and time commitments, the first resource they turn to is counselors in college. Research conducted by Boston University; it was found that the rate of treatment of mental health conditions in the college student demographics has increased from 19% in 2007 to 34% in 2017. Likewise, the lifetime diagnosis rate increased from 22% to 36%. (Lipson et al.,2018) Since the trend of seeking help is increasing, the treatment process must be multifaceted and effective.

Thus, in this study, we are going to investigate the correlation between fearful personality traits and grip strength between males and females. We want to explore if the observed differences in personality traits could be explained by the underlying difference in physical strength.

Programming Language: R,

Libraries: ggplot-2, shiny, plotly, rmarkdown, dplyr, lattice