
Project Push_Swap 42

Primary LanguageC


This project is about sorting a list composed of integer values while being restricted in the possibles moves.


  • The game is constituted of two piles named a and b.
  • At the beginning, b is empty and a contains a certain number of integers positives or negatives (without duplicates).
  • The goal is to sort a in an increasing way.
  • To this end we dispose of the following operations:
    • (sa) swap a - Swap the first two elements of a.
    • (sb) swap b - Swap the first two elements of b.
    • (ss) sa and sb at the same time.
    • (pa) push a - Take the first element from top of b and put it on a.
    • (pb) push b - Take the first element from top of a and put it on b.
    • (ra) rotate a - Shift of a position all elements of a (towards the top, the first element becomes the last).
    • (rb) rotate b - Shift of a position all elements of b (towards the top, the first element becomes the last).
    • (rr) ra and rb at the same time.
    • (rra) reverse rotate a (towards the bottom, the last element becomes the first).
    • (rrb) reverse rotate b (towards the bottom, the last element becomes the first).
    • (rrr) rra and rrb at the same time.


git clone git@github.com:Aaramis/push_swap.git;
make bonus;

Generate integer list using ruby:

sudo apt-get install ruby;
ARG=$(ruby -e puts "(1..100).to_a.shuffle.join(' '))";


./push_swap $ARG > test;
./checker $ARG < test;