
yaml-splitter is a CLI tool to split and manage YAML files, especially OpenAPI Specification (OAS) YAML files. It helps developers break large YAML files into smaller, manageable parts and merge them back when needed.


  • Split OAS YAML files into individual files based on endpoints (paths).
  • List available YAML files in a directory.
  • Interactive mode for user-friendly file selection.
  • Merge split YAML files back into a single file.


To install yaml-splitter globally, run:

npm install -g yaml-splitter


After installation, the yaml-splitter command becomes available globally. Here are the available commands:

1. List YAML Files

List all .yaml or .yml files in a specified directory:

yaml-splitter list --dir <directory>


yaml-splitter list --dir ./my_yaml_files

2. Split an OAS YAML File

Split a YAML file into smaller files based on endpoints (paths):

yaml-splitter split --file <path-to-yaml> --output-dir <output-directory>


yaml-splitter split --file ./input_folder/sample.yaml --output-dir ./output_folder


  • --file: Path to the input YAML file.
  • --output-dir: Directory to save the split files (default: ./split_endpoints).

3. Interactive Mode

Interactively select a YAML file to split:

yaml-splitter interactive --dir <directory>


yaml-splitter interactive --dir ./input_folder

The command will:

  1. List all YAML files in the specified directory.
  2. Prompt you to select a file and specify an output directory.

4. Merge YAML Files

Merge multiple YAML files from a directory into one:

yaml-splitter merge --input-dir <input-directory> --output <output-file>


yaml-splitter merge --input-dir ./output_folder --output ./combined.yaml


--input-dir: Directory containing split YAML files. --output: Path to save the combined YAML file.


Splitting an OAS YAML File

Suppose you have an OpenAPI YAML file (api.yaml) in the ./input_folder, and you want to split it into individual files based on endpoints:

yaml-splitter split --file ./input_folder/api.yaml --output-dir ./split_output

After running the command, you’ll find split YAML files in the ./split_output folder.

Interactive Splitting

Run the interactive command to select and split a file:

yaml-splitter interactive --dir ./input_folder

The tool will:

  1. List all YAML files in ./input_folder.
  2. Allow you to choose a file.
  3. Prompt for an output directory (or use the default ./split_endpoints).

Merging Split Files

To combine all split YAML files from ./split_output into a single file:

yaml-splitter merge --input-dir ./split_output --output ./merged_api.yaml

The result is a merged_api.yaml file.


  • Node.js v14 or higher.
  • YAML files must follow a valid structure (e.g., OpenAPI Specification).


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.