
Shebangs on steroids


Shebangs on steroids


Ever gone down the rabbit hole of trying to find out which shebang you should use for your script? For Python, the shebang standard has changed from (in no particular order):

#!python (Unix) and #!py (Windows)

#!/bin/python and #!/usr/bin/python

#!/usr/local/bin python And /usr/bin/env python

What does this all mean? It means there's no cross-platform and truly standardized way to do shebangs. With bang, it's one line, and whatever options you want. Easy, documented, safe.

Put #!bang at the top of all of your scripts, execute bang, and fret no longer if you're using the right shebang. Bang will figure it out for you!


Add #!bang to any supported file (see: supported file types.)

If you know what interpreter you want to use, do #!bang python for example.

Interpreter version

#!bang python 3.8.10

#!bang python ^3.6

Running tools with bang

#!bang python - isort

#!bang python ^3.6 - isort, black Bang will find the specified interpreter, run the scripts, and update the shebang appropriately.